My Fishing gear has been collecting dust for the past three years but I'm finally back with a vengeance.
After a prolonged break from fishing I've finally unrusted my reel, polished my rod, opened my box to reveal my tackle and broke the lot in.
I'm not really big on fishing parks because dropping a line in there seems like shooting fish in a barrel (albeit a big one) but do take advantage of them from time to time.
I'm living somewhat in the sticks so most of my excursions will be to local haunts, namely Sirikit dam, the Nan river(which involves a rigorous trek to the bottom of my garden) and some of those overcrowded, oversized barrels commonly referred to as fishing parks.
In the past week I've wrestled with pla nin and pla jin from an oversized taxed puddle and pla shadow at Sirikit dam fishing from a boat.
Just today, while giving birth to my own brown trout masterfece, I suddenly had the urge to use up the last twenty minutes of solar activity by getting my rod wet. After an arduous twenty eight second trek to the Nan river at the bottom of my garden I was pleasantly surprised to have a run in with a pla gasoob. This was the fish that gave me the idea to write this blog.
I decided that from now on i will take photos of every fish i catch and the lure or bait i catch them with and post them here for all to see so you can have an idea of what to use for a particular fish.................................................. Unfortunately, while mulling this over in my head, my brister in law(half brother half sister if you know what i mean) had already cremated and dispatched of the poor critter into his/her bowels before i had a chance to snap a pic. (I wont be taking any pictures of the resulting brown trout so don't ask!!) Sick puppies!!!
I will take a photo of every scaly critter i catch from now on before my brister gets his/her teeth into them and post the pics for you to see.